ChatGPT and Research

Eric Pone
3 min readJun 6, 2023


What it can do and can’t do!

Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash

In the digital age, technological advancements have revolutionized various fields, including theology. As an AI-powered language model, ChatGPT opens up exciting possibilities for theological research. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of information, generate coherent responses, and offer diverse perspectives makes it a valuable tool for theologians and seminarians. However, it is essential to recognize both the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT because hands-on work from the writers and researchers remains crucial in the research process. ChatGPT is an aid and not a replacement for core work.

ChatGPT is a powerful assistant for theologians, enabling them to explore complex theological concepts, analyze religious texts, and engage in meaningful conversations around utilizing a specific focus. Its vast knowledge base, derived from a wide range of texts and resources, allows researchers to effortlessly tap into a wealth of information. ChatGPT can generate insightful and coherent responses, making it an ideal companion for brainstorming and idea generation. Furthermore, it can offer fresh perspectives, challenging researchers to consider alternative viewpoints and fostering a more comprehensive understanding of theological topics. It can take academic and technical language and smooth the writing style to make the work more readable.

While ChatGPT is a remarkable tool, it is important to acknowledge its limitations. Theological research requires more than just access to information and generation of responses. A writer must bring critical thinking, discernment, datasets, bibliography, notes and personal interpretation to the table. ChatGPT’s responses are based on patterns and probabilities rather than deep understanding, so it is crucial to critically evaluate and verify the information it provides. Theological research demands a nuanced and contextual understanding, often requiring a lot of hands-on work from the writer.

Researchers should exercise caution when relying solely on ChatGPT for data gathering or interpretation. Theological texts, historical contexts, and cultural nuances can be complex and require expert knowledge. The writer’s knowledge! Human interpretation, intuition, and theological training play a vital role in recognizing the nuances and complexities of theological concepts. ChatGPT may also not possess up-to-date information, as its knowledge is based on data available from September 2021, which is infinitesimal compared to historical writings and research.

I have learned that the optimal approach to theological research involves harnessing the strengths of ChatGPT while complementing them with human expertise. Researchers can use ChatGPT to sort information, explore diverse perspectives, smooth language and generate ideas. However, the critical thinking, discernment, and contextual understanding provided by human theologians are irreplaceable. Using ChatGPT as a tool rather than relying solely on it, researchers can enhance their theological inquiries and deepen their understanding of complex concepts.

Incorporating ChatGPT into theological research provides theologians with a powerful resource for exploring ideas and accessing recent information. However, researchers must recognize its limitations and exercise discernment and caution. By combining the strengths of ChatGPT with the essential work of human theologians, we can foster a more comprehensive and nuanced approach to theological research in the digital age.

